A Poetry Collection By Tory Tomberlin
A Poetry Collection By Tory Tomberlin
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A seasoned healthcare worker, educated in literature including Lord Byron, Shelley, Keats, Wordsworth, Yeats. I Trained in the Theatre at a young age studying at Thomas Jefferson HS in Denver, Colorado and University of Northern Colorado. A Theatre program at the Hartke Theatre in Washington D.C. sparked a creative need that went unsatisfied throughout my healthcare career.
Then, upon retirement a new era of creativity began with writing poetry and a novel. Extensive travel to Thailand and Australia brings a vibrant perspective to my poetry. Always introspective, bringing the beauty of poetry to life in my collection Beauty In The Branches.
Walk along with me on a captivating poetic journey through this collection, where readers will be transported to the landscapes of England, Scotland, and Africa. I have finely crafted and thoughtfully sculpted these poems to offer you a warm embrace.
As a skilled writer, I specialize in crafting captivating content that connects with you. Let my poems bring delightful results to you, my poetry writers and readers. Walk through Europe, Asia and encounter forests and streams. The essence of Beauty in the Branches is waiting for you, let my poetry take you there.
Copyright © _2023__ by _Tory Tomberlin,_Torch Literary, LLC at https://tjpoetry.com. All Rights Reserved.
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